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Hiking Gear Index

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Introduction - The importance of gear for overnight trips

Gear Types - Why organizing your gear by type makes sense

Categorization System - A system for grouping gear by function

Using the System - How the system can help you select and organize your gear

Gear Categories: Big Four (software)




Clothes - Footware

Gear Categories: Little Four (hardware)



Loads - Ultra-light, Light, Typical, Heavy

Terms Defined & Considerations

Pack Weight

Lists - Day and overnight hiking gear lists

Lightest Overnight Lists - Summer, Two Season, Three Season, Winter

Homemade - How to make some of your own gear

Tech Notes - Technical information on materials & substances

Fabrics, Fuels, Water Purification

Wish List - Ideas for gear that you can't currently purchase.

Related Information

Online Hiking Gear Stores

Links to other hiking gear related web sites

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