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The Hiking Web Site
Table of Contents

Home Hiking Gear Stores Trails Search


Synopsis – A short description of the site’s different areas

Contents – Web site contents outline (this page)

Updates – Notices of changes made to the site

About Me – Little bit of background about me and my hiking experience


Introduction - What hiking is all about

Why Go - Find out about the benefits of hiking

How To - Learning what you need to know to enjoy hiking

Hiking Ethics - Behaving in the wilderness so we can all enjoy it

InfoLinks - Links to sites with information useful to hikers

Links - Web links to other hiking web sites


What Is It? – An introduction to backpacking

Why Go? – The benefits of longer hikes

Gear Loads – Ultra-light, light, typical, & heavy

Gear Types – Organizing your gear by function

Pack Weight – Looking at the load you are carrying

Going Lightweight – The advantages in lightening up

Weekend Hikes – Taking short backpacking trips


Lightning - Learn how to cope with lightning when caught in a storm.

Chiggers - Those little critters that you don't see, but that make you ich when they bite.

Mosquitoes - The blood suckers found world-wide


Introduction - The importance of gear for overnight trips

Packs, Shelters, Sleeping, Clothes, Kitchen, Office

Loads - Ultra-light, Light, Typical, Heavy

Types - The big four and the little four categories

Lists - Day and overnight hiking gear lists including ultra-light

Homemade - How to make some of your own gear

TechNotes* - Technical information about hiking gear materials


Gear - Buy your hiking gear and gifts here

Clothes - Find all the specialty hiking clothing you need

Footwear - Great prices on hiking boots, shoes, socks, and sandals

Books - Hiking basics, trail guides, and trips

Magazines - The latest information on gear and places to go

Maps - Obtain maps for your hikes here

Travel - Getting to your favorite hiking areas

Links - Web site links to gear manufacturers


By Area - Links to local hiking trail information

The North Eastern US

The Pacific Northwest

The South Eastern US

The South Western US

Long Distance - Trails that are over 200 miles long

Weather - Current and historical weather information


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Synopsis | Table of Contents | Updates | About Me

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